Home – Film – Villa dei Misteri
VILLA DEI MISTERI is the world’s most exclusive members-only swinger club. A place like no other, VILLA DEI MISTERI offers a laid-back environment where VIP-shadows can meet old friends from distant epochs and make new ones in a secure manner. Can you imagine a Monroe Kafka Marinetti threesome? A Friedrich Nietzsche Eleonora Duse Sarah Bernhardt Vladimir Mayakovsky foursome? Would you like to get involved in the eternal orgy? Nothing is easier! You need just a personal invitation, a gold-seal death certificate issued in your current name.
Michaela Stella Bagnoli, Josephin Graf, Gina Yadegari, Amélie Jalliet, Grischa Kofman, Krylon Superstar, Jeanette Spassova, Gabriel Walsh.
Written and directed by Ivan Stanev.
Camera, Editor, Director’s Assistant – Remco Schuurbiers.
Music – Marc Lingk.
Set designer – Alexander Schellow. Costumes – Heidi Müller.
Production – Amelie Deuflhard, Marion Baumgartner.
Produced by Ivan Stanev and sophiensæle, Berlin; co-oproduced by La Rose des Vents, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Théatre de la Bastille, Paris, THEOREM, Théâtre Antoine Vitez, Aix en Provence and Forum Freies Theater, Düsseldorf. Sponsored by Die Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Berlin, Théorem Festival d´Avignon und Jeune Théâtre Nationale, Paris.
Presented at Filmfest München 2003, Section: Art in Motion / Special: Ivan Stanev
VideoArt award in Asolo, Italy:
PREMIO ASOLO PER LA MIGLIORE OPERA DI VIDEO ARTE E COMPUTER ART, al film Villa dei misteri (Germania), produzione Stanev, soggetto sceneggiatura e regia di Ivan Stanev, fotografia di Remco Schuurbiers, musica di Marc Lingk, per l’estro, la libertà, la ricchezza del contesto culturale, nel prospettarsi, con la forza e l’imprevedibilità di uno spettacolare esperimento articolato su più livelli, i grandi problemi esistenziali dell’uomo.
Berlin 2003
95 min. DigiBeta
Excerpt from Ivan Stanev’s film VILLA DEI MISTERI.
Presented at Filmfest München 2003, Section: Art in Motion / Special: Ivan Stanev
DOWNLOAD English Subtitles: Villa dei misteri.srt